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It is a beautiful day! Life is so exciting yet may also be full of challenges. But whatever your day is, remember every second, every minute is a blessing from God. Let us be grateful that He gave us strength, life, provisions and opportunities. This is one of the principles that I've learned. To see things differently in the light of the love and grace of God! Shalom!
Sherwin Bob Diaz
Composer / Musician
Wt Upgrade in sgI 'm so grateful to God that I was given the chance to facilitate a Worship Leading Workshop Series in Singapore at My Lord's Church last April 26 and May 3, 2014. This two-week event was well attended by the members of MLC. They learned about the Biblical Principles of Worship, Worship Leading Pitfalls, Practical Guidelines for Line-up Preparations, Responsibilities of Lead Worshippers and Organising a Worship Focus. Everyone enjoyed the worskshop and its our desire that they will use this training for house church worship and even Sunday worship. My gratitude to Ptr Jun Lallicon and MLC Leadership.
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